Women's Studies
abolfazl delavari; Elahe Sadeghi
Although in general, politics in contemporary Iran have had patriarchal orientation, efforts and actions taken place regarding reforming women’s condition cannot be ignored. In this article, we have tried investigate the changes of orientations, factors and consequences of gender politics in Iran ...
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Although in general, politics in contemporary Iran have had patriarchal orientation, efforts and actions taken place regarding reforming women’s condition cannot be ignored. In this article, we have tried investigate the changes of orientations, factors and consequences of gender politics in Iran between the years of 1270 to 1320. According to theoretical approach of this article, transformation of gender policies has been differed from an era to the other; and influenced by three factors: 1-Ideas and movements regarding transformation of women’s condition; 2-Conservative forces resistance; 3-Government orientation and actions. And we have found that in a 15-year period before constitutional movement, the very primary sprouts of ideas and movements related to transformation of women’s condition have been started. But the major weakness of this movement which was the fierce resistance of conservatives on one hand and the authority’s reluctance on the other hand prevented a drastic change in women’s condition and transformation of gender related ideas. After the victory of constitutional movement until the 1299 coup, there were plenty of opportunities to make some changes in women themselves and also have the support of some authorities and new political organizations such as the Parliament and reform parties for transformation of women’s condition. It was in this era that the right of women’s education was granted. Moreover, new demands and ideas like legal equity and women’s right to political participation were brought up.in the 20 years after the coup in which the government itself was in charge of transformation of women’s situation, although there were noticeable changes in education, employment and on top of that presence of women in public arenas, imperious nature of these changes and their incompatibility with the dominant culture not only did prevent the development of ideas and reform movements regarding gender, but also was the starting point for development of orientations and the retrogressive forces in next era.