In the recent decades sociologists of occupation have paid more attention to the gender differences in the process of work socialization and job selection . Gender gaps at the management level is one of the most important issues for educated women ,however it has not been studied as much.
This article presents findings of a research on occupational positions of female faculty members at three universities of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Allameh Tabatabae, in the years of 1991 and 2001 .Researches’ conclusion show the relation of gender factor to the appointments of management positions at the universities .Although during past ten years, women have gained more knowledge and experience , but they are mostly active at the lower level of management and still are absent at the higher management levels. Although ,there is slight decrease in the feeling of discrimination from 1991 to 2001 , majority of female faculty members (55%) think, still there is discrimination against them in occupational mobility and cultural factors are the most important impediments.