Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Sociology, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Sociology, Academic Center for Education, Culture & Research (ACECR), Fars Branch, Iran (correspondence author)


 Various forms of capital provide sources in social structure that facilitate social action. The aim of this study was to compare available capitals in different generations of women. Questionnaire was completed by 386 women and their mothers (a total of 772 questionnaires). The results indicate that cultural capital of the present generation has increased compared to past generation. Social capital has lowered and economic capital has not changed. The results indicate that structural variables have a significant relationship with all types of capital. Controlling these variables we conclude that cultural capital is increased between generations, social capital has not changed with the reference of generation and economic capital well distributed along class and generational dynamics have not significant relationship. Results are discussed in relation with theory and previous researches.


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