Document Type : Practical article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Dpartment of Political Science, Isfahan University

3 MSc. Student, Dpartment of Political Science, Isfahan University


Humans, since their creation, have experienced different political systems. In addition, it seems that the training in families is the key to open the future; therefore, it is expected that the family system of each human society nurtures and trains future humans and prepares the present generation for the future. The task of families is to empower all members of a society to develop their hidden potentials and provide grounds for realizing them in humans and also to empower the society in identifying its creativities and potentials. Accordingly, deep political advancement and development in societies for attaining determined aims far from radicalism, particularly in the domains of societies and politics, will not be possible without paying attention to the family structure and training methods dominant over this structure. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of different upbringing methods in families from democratic perspectives among male and female citizens of the City of Isfahan in 2015. By dividing upbringing methods into three types of authoritative, tyrannical, and easygoing , the results indicate that authoritative methods with the coefficient of 49.0 causes the increase in the democratic perspectives, but tyrannical methods with an coefficient of -18.0 causes a decrease in democratic perspectives among citizens. In addition, other findings indicate that although the results of the research among men are consistent with the general results of the research, tyrannical methods have no significant correlation with democratic perspectives among the studied women.


Main Subjects

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