Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, PayamNour University, Iran

2 PhD Candidate, PayamNour University, Iran


The move toward modernism along with the cultural globalization and the rise of consumer culture makes fashionism and also permanent surveillance and focusing on the visible characteristics of the body a common phenomenon in contemporary societies.Nowadays, modern people with the use of fashionable things and through paying extreme attention to cloth and appearance construct personal images of themselves and also send messages about their identities to others. The present research focusing on styles of clothing and women's attitudes toward fashion aims to explain causes and motivations leads women to use fashionable clothes and also attempts to identify their typology. The research method is qualitative and its data has been collected by semi-structured interviews. The results of data analysis display three distinct types of women's clothing, each of which has different characteristics. Of course, this division does not mean exact bordering, and one have mutual relationship. The findings show that women's increased tendency for using fashionable clothes should be assessed mostly in relation to both subjective and objective factors as well as the dialectic relationship of agency and structure.


Main Subjects

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