Document Type : Basic article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Women's Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Women's Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran


Exploring the relationship between gender and ethics is the common concern of some feminist scholars. From this perspective, feminists criticize the traditional morality for ignoring the importance of cultural values as well as the moral experience of women with a view of patriarchy. Therefore, they express various approaches and ideas, trying to address a new formulation of moral relations and system appropriate to gender. Female attitudes to ethics emphasize on personal relationships and the ethics of care, engaging in the value of human relationships. Besides, maternal approaches assert the special relationship between mother and child as a moral and interactive pattern. For this reason, these gender-based approaches unlike traditional morality which contains the general rules of morality, impartiality and rational ideas are non-holistic, context-driven, objective, and emotion-oriented.


Main Subjects

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