Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Sociology, Alzahra University

2 PhD Candidate of Women Studies, Tarbiat Modares University

3 Professor, Department of Quran & Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University


The current study aims to investigate the way married women living in Tehran face with disruption of sense of tranquility in marital life. This research has been done using grounded theory method and deep interview technique. As a result of encounter with disruption of sense of tranquility, which is the result of the gap between the assets and demands of women, it has become necessary for women to adopt a set of strategies with two general approaches of "change in assets" including modification of the spousal relationship, management of interactive problems with families, improvement of the status of children,  attention to self and removal of structural barriers, with the aim of changing the available status into a desirable one, and "change in demands" including reduced demands, patience and forgiveness and selection of the null relationship, with the aim of accepting the available status. Choosing these strategies and their effectiveness is affected by a set of conditions such as “decision-making factors" including the husband's approach, religious beliefs, dominance of affection and exterior constraint.


Main Subjects

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