Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Kurdistan University

2 Postgraduate Alumnus of Sociology, Kurdistan University


Single girls are among the groups that are subject to rejection because of their fragile and vulnerable situation in social and economic structures. The current study aims to reconstruct the meaning of singleness experience and find the backgrounds and the way single girls encounter singleness through perception and subjective meaning of the girls who are involved in this process. The current paper was conducted by applying qualitative approach and the grounded theory among single girls of Ivan County. In order to choose the samples, we used purposive sampling and also we used maximum diversity for collecting data from Semi-structured interviews.  In this case study, 28 single girls participated. They were different in terms of using economic, social and cultural capitals.  The findings suggest that women are subject to singleness because of war trauma and education. In between , stabilization of accepted reasons, the need for commitment, gender-based nature of public space, and accepted restrictions are shown to be the facilitator reason, and dependency depiction in media is represented as confounding condition. Reconstructing the meaning of girls’ experience and understanding singleness imply the camouflage obligation, religious places as a friendly place, politics of presence, tendency to female occupations, rethinking and virtualization of relationships. Based on the current study, girls’ lived experience of singleness results in psychological violence, double isolation, ambiguous future and feeling of being a burden. Also, the core category implies the unavailability of situations.


Main Subjects

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