Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Tehran University

2 MA in Tehran University


The purpose of this present study is to analyze subjective meaning of Isfahanian Philanthropists on their indifferences toward health centers for women. These centers have been recently founded by legislation of the council of ministers to investigate the women prone to drug abuse and prostitution (direct or indirect). While these centers demand financial resources, they are rejected or ignored by the philanthropists. Many researchers and officials on this domain believe that financial needs is one important reason that people in need move toward deviations. For this purpose, through qualitative approach and phenomenal methodology the present study is analyzed to gain an emphatic understanding on the participants` attitude taking part in this study. Data have been collected through 10 profound interviews within a seven-level method named Colaizzi. The findings of this research have revealed that not only Isfahanian Philanthropists completely disagreed with the think to help the women dealing with drug and prostitution, but they also attempted to enforce  the violence to prevent them from taking responsibility. It can be claimed that they are faced with the thoughts “not having trust to people and officials” and “assigning the responsibility of organizing them to that government” codes. In this approach, “patriarchal attitudes toward hurt women and women in charge of them” is highly obvious. About hostile disagreement, not only we are faced with divesting their responsibilities but also we witnessed violent opinions and ask for enforcing punishment for these women.


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