Document Type : Practical article


1 Assistant Professor, Alzahra University, Department of women and family studies

2 Assistant Professor of police university


The present study attempts to investigate the social integration of prisoners via a grounded theory approach. It is aimed to explain a model for successful social integration of female offenders. In this qualitative study, the data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with 21 women who had a record in the Welfare Services Organization, and all of whom have had previous experience of being in jail. Then, using a grounded theory approach, the data were analyzed and coded. The exploratory findings of the study show that various factors contribute to the formation of the core category, that is, “social integration as a move towards the normalization of life and social adaptation” of women. Other contextual factors such as personal characteristics is supported and not rejected by the family and access to capitals are significant too. Moreover, interventional factors such as maternal motivation, empowerment and rehabilitation of women, and not using drugs influence the process of social integration. Analytical findings indicate that the strategies and solutions for social integration of women have two categories of environmental appropriateness and sanitation, and the development of social networks. Ultimately, all these factors and strategies contribute to satisfaction from life, adaptability and social organization, or in other words, social integration of women.


Main Subjects

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