Document Type : Practical article


1 Associate professor of Counseling Group, Allame tabtaba’ii University

2 PH.D Student Counseling, Allame Tabataba’ii University


Adequate social relationships and reception of social support play an important role in women’s feeling of security and mental health. In this research, social apathy factors are studied in Tehranian women. This research was conducted in 2016 by a qualitative approach. Research participants are 15 women who came in a health home in one of the districts of Tehran City. Purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. Gathered information from semi-structured interviews by using Grounded Theory method was analyzed. After analysis of the  the data gathered by interview, we identified four abstract categories including a) Underlying causes of apathy and attractiveness decline in neighborly relations, b) causal factors in forming the  negative consequences of neighborly relations,  c) causal factors of lack of trust and security  and  d) causal factors of inconsonance in neighborly relations.


Main Subjects

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