Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Bojnord, Iran

2 Bojnord University Graduate / Master's Degree in Economics


In the twentieth century, with a new wave of political developments in many countries, the researchers sought to understand the preconditions necessary for the emergence and continuation of democracy. Meanwhile, "Modernization Theory" was given the highest empirical support for the realization of democracy. But the ineffectiveness of this theory in practice led to more attention to the role of other factors. One of these factors, which has so far not received much attention, is the role of empowerment of women. In the present study, the "gender-development of democracy" model has been used to study and analyze how women's empowerment has an impact on the democracy development. The econometric method was used as a dynamic panel in the form of Generalized Method of Moment for 1990 to 2015 in selected countries. Findings of the research have indicated that the indicators for assessing the empowerment of women in this research have a significant effect on the development of democracy during the period in question. The two variables of "education" and "female labor force participation rate" have a significant positive effect on the development of democracy with coefficients of +0.61 and +0.07, and the variable "fertility rate" with a coefficient of -0.22 has a significant negative effect on the democracy development.


Main Subjects

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