Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University


In the process of accepting the crisis situation, people can experience a more pleasant feeling and play a more prominent role in creating family, work and social settings. This research was conducted with the aim of examining the process of accepting the crisis situation in rural areas with an emphasis on the gender impact of women. The statistical population of the study included rural women who remained in their village after the earthquake in Kermanshah and attempted to cope with the post-earthquake conditions. From this community, samples were selected purposefully to saturation (12 rural women). In this research, the phenomenological method was used to analyze the data. In this way, with the help of non-structured interviews, we collected information related to sample individuals. The process of accepting the crisis situation in rural women is represented in six phases following main themes: facing the threat (before the earthquake), facing the crisis (after the earthquake), trying to reconstruct the life, the stage of settling in conditions, the link with the down and life-threatening and power-up stages. This survey illustrates the process women took in the countryside to accept the crisis situation. The process requires a special effort by women from the beginning to the end according to their feminine characteristics.


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