Document Type : Practical article


1 PhD Student in Political Science (Political Sociology) at Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch

3 Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch

4 Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan


Achieving political development requires the political participation of social groups in society, particularly women's political participation. In any society the fulfillment of proper participation of women in policy making is hindered by specific obstacles. Accordingly, in the present study, attempts have been made to examine the barriers of political participation of women in the Baluchistan region by means of institutionalization and qualitative techniques; qualitative interviews with elitses in Baluchestan provided themes for researchers to specify condition of political participation of women among the Baluch. Findings in the present study state that barriers of political participation of women can be considered from two aspects. First, the way official institution looks at women, second, the culture of Baluchestan people. The results suggest that the main obstacles are informal or intangible institutions, such as fathers or patriarchal culture, and some religious beliefs, which, on the one hand, are the causes of women's poor selflsteem in political activities. On the other hand, legal and formal institutions appear to reflect the less formal institutions that have undergone some kind of institutional process. Nevertheless, participatory institutions such as Islamic councils of the city and village have been able to effectively reduce the influence of informal institutions on gradual political participation of Baloch women.


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