Document Type : Research Paper


Social Sciences Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The level of Gender inequality between girls and boys in the family and the explanation of the factors affecting it
The family is one of the most important social pillars and the degree of discrimination between girls and boys in the family affects other aspects of society, while family law rules give special rights to men and the propaganda norms of marriage and marital relations also lead authority. It has masculine orientation. The type of parent-child relationship has changed and with the tendency to have one child, the priority between girls and boys in the family has changed. This article has been compiled with two objectives: 1- Recognizing the level of discrimination between girls and boys in the family 2- Recognizing the factors affecting discrimination in the family between girls and boys.
The research has quantitative explanatory method. Questioned by 500 parents living in Tehran who have at least one son and one daughter..
The results showed: Discrimination between boys and girls in the family has decreased in Tehran. There is a significant relationship between the average family income and patriarchy and acceptance of social discrimination, acceptance of legal discrimination, personal and emotional development of parents, socialization of discrimination in parents, learning discrimination in childhood parents ' education with the level of discrimination between girls and boys in the family. There is also an inverse relationship between parental personality and emotional development and family income with discrimination.


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