Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Women studies, Faculty of Humanity Sciences, University of Tarbiyat Modaress, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of social science, Faculty of Women Studies, University of Allame Tabataei, Tehran, Iran.


Nowadays, social development is a concept of great importance for social theorists. One of the key indicators of development is the amount of active participation of non - governmental organizations due to the fact that one of their significant roles is to take care of quality of life of all people. Regarding this, social development of nations depends on non - governmental organizations ’s participation in advocacy of rights of social groups and deprived individuals. Given that social support for families at risk of social damage has been related to individuals’ responsibility and accountability on one hand and social rights of individuals on the other hand. Based on this perspective non - governmental organization’s participation and studying their challenges can facilitate supporting these families. So, this paper as a qualitative study scrutinizes non - governmental organization’s participation in realization of social support for vulnerable families. This study was carried out with qualitative Approach with Content Analysis Method. In the present study, samples were selected using target sampling. For this method shows the selection is purposeful and crucial
For this purpose, 20 women working in the women's social sector were selected through targeted sampling from 50 women based in Tehran working in this field. The first list of all non - governmental organizations was received from the Vice President for Women and Family. Therefore, 20 women working in the women's social field were selected through targeted sampling among 50 women working in this field based in Tehran. In total, according to the elaboration and acceptance of the interview, 10 non - governmental organizations were analyzed in the research, the interviews continued until information saturation, up to more interviews did not give the researcher any new information and did not suggest a new category. It was important that women were represented in the samples as voluntary participation in the area of family and injury is generally welcomed by women and women play a more important role in this matter. From this point of view, being a female was an important indicator for the research to obtain data from the highest participation group.
The main question of the present study is, what are the challenges in the participation of the non - governmental organizations in the access of families to social services? The repetition frequency was also compiled based on the repetition in the interviews for each finding. The highest frequency of repetition in intra-organizational challenges included economic problems, managerial weakness, and unfamiliarity with members' cooperative work coordinates, respectively, and the lowest frequency was dedicated to insufficient awareness, knowledge, and expertise in the field of vulnerable families. Also, the highest frequency of repetition in extra-organizational challenges, respectively, includes a charitable perception of the activity of non - governmental organizations and a political perception of the activity of non - governmental organizations in the field of damage, and the lowest frequency of repetition in extra-organizational challenges is simultaneously due to the weakness of networking in non - governmental organizations and lack of transparency. It has a legal structure.
The results of the research emphasize that it should be noted that the participation of farmers cannot be seen only in a linear spectrum of zero and one, but based on the type and manner of their activity, the amount of their participation should be based on a spectrum with two ends from passive participation to active participation.
From this point of view, the activity of non - governmental organizations will be defined from an active participation to a passive participation, and in between, there will be semi-active and without any doubt semi-passive, etc. Also, the findings of the research indicate that in the field of education, the activity of non - governmental organizations is active participation, but in the field of gender politics, this participation tends to be passive. It should be noted that education has been given more attention by non - governmental organizations not only as an aspect of social services, but also as a tool for the realization of other aspects of social services used by them to achieve their goals. So, this kind of the participation of the non - governmental organizations is not properly and efficiency in the field of for vulnerable families.


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