Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabataba'i

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 University of Allameh Tabataba"i


Women's empowerment is a topic included in a wide range of programs and policies implemented by different institutions around the world. However, cognitive characteristics and research in the field of cognitive sciences, specifically regarding cognitive abilities, have been neglected in many of these policies and implemented projects. Empowering women and promoting gender equality are recognized as important factors for achieving sustainable development and reducing poverty around the world. Despite significant progress over the years, gender inequality still exists in various areas of life, including education, employment, health, and political activities. In order to solve these inequalities, it is important to understand the effective factors in their occurrence and provide solutions for them. One of the research areas that has attracted a lot of attention in this field, especially in recent years, is called cognitive science. Recent research has shown that cognitive science, through examining the mechanisms of the formation of mental concepts, and by combining it with behaviorism through the simultaneous examination of the mind, language, social behavior, and social technical systems, not only provides a clearer understanding of the way humans encounter various phenomena, but also makes available ways to analyze and improve them in different contexts.

In this regard, this research provides a framework for empowering women in governance based on cognitive science studies using a two-step method that involves scoping review and content analysis. The results of this research, including 18 key elements of women's empowerment based on cognitive studies, along with the presented conceptual framework, aid experts, researchers, and individuals interested in the fields of empowerment, governance, and women in reaching their answers for policy-making and decision-making processes. The achievements also help to build networks among various related concepts for designing further applied research.

One of the key benefits of the research presented in this study is that it emphasizes the importance of incorporating cognitive science research into policy-making and decision-making processes for women's empowerment. By understanding the cognitive mechanisms that underlie gender inequality, policymakers and experts can design more effective interventions and programs that address the root causes of these inequalities. This can lead to more sustainable and long-term solutions that not only benefit women but also promote overall economic and social development. Furthermore, by integrating cognitive science research into governance studies, it is possible to establish a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between individual cognition and social behavior. This interdisciplinary approach can facilitate the development of more nuanced and sophisticated policies and programs that take into account the diverse contexts and experiences of women across different cultures and societies. Overall, this research highlights the immense potential of cognitive science research for achieving greater gender equality and empowering women around the world.

The current research is also important in creating schemas of applied research with the aim of creating a connection between different fields of governance studies and cognitive science studies. It can open up conceptual gaps as well as paths for further studies for those interested in interdisciplinary studies, providing a wide range of topics and concepts


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