Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Master of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.



One of the conceptual and theoretical constructs that facilitate comprehension of patriarchy and women's inferiority is gender socialization. The current research aims to address the sources and dimensions of gender socialization through the perspectives of women. The present research was conducted using thematic analysis and qualitative methodology. “Gender roles” is one of the dimensions of gender socialization. Our analysis of women’s narratives revealed four primary themes: “identification with home,” “instrumental roles,” “The patriarchal care system,” and “glass ceiling.” The self-concept and personality of women are influenced by gender stereotypes, which are evident in public spaces, family administration, girls’ marriages, and marital relationships, as evidenced by the narration of women.  The gender stereotypes related to women’s personality have been influenced by the “genderization of public space” and “insecurity of public space” gender stereotypes related to public spaces, as well as the “expressive identity,” and “genderization of education and employment” gender stereotypes based on women’s narrative. The gender stereotypes in the field of family management are “risklessness and dependent decision-making” and “gender separation of planning and management in the family.” The gender stereotypes related to the selection of a spouse and sexual relations are  “urgency and strictness in the marriage of girls” and “women as sexual objects” and “as honor.” The primary sources of gender socialization are “family” and “mass communication media.”


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