In most of the literature, the presence of women in universities is associated with the issue of occupation. In clarifying and explaining this issue the theories of economists on human resources are, often, used. However this article focuses on other aspects of this phenomenon, and evaluates the social and cultural motives of girl’s entrance into universities. The main questions are that based on what factors could we explain the increasing entrance of women into universities considering the widespread unemployment condition of the educated women and what is the impact of the social demands against the economic demands in attracting women to universities. Does this social demand means withdrawing from the private field (family) and entering into public field. Or do women, in their conception, link these two categories together? This article with references to some conceptual frameworks and empirical researches provides hypotheses for testing in another systematic research. On these conceptions, girl's inclination for continuing with education in higher education, further to personal expectations, has social implications as well. And it is influenced by their sense of belonging to previous family and their inclination towards symbolic participation in making a future family.