
International experiences reveal that promotion of gender equality paves the way for developmental achievements in a way that it ensures equal living standards and human rights for all individuals. Nowadays gender equality is not only one of the principles of human rights but is emphasized for alleviating poverty, upgrading living standards and stabilizing economy.
The relation between democracy, development and equality is taken for granted thus to realize this it is necessary to conduct structural reformations for increasing women’s participation in political and social life. No doubt supporting women’s role and reinforcing it in the society improves hygiene and health care, enhances level of education, voluntarily controls population growth and generally improves economic growth and equal distribution of benefits.
During the past decades there have been fundamental changes in the role and status of women. Many countries have come to an agreement and reached a consensus on the reduction of gender gap regarding education, healthcare, occupation, and social welfare. Data regarding Iran suggest that although there have been effective attempts in reducing gender gap but still women face many problems. Some of these problems and obstacles are due to pressures and forces of development but a great part of it is related to culture and dominating traditions.
The third five-year development plan is distinguished from other plans in terms of emphasizing on indices and necessities of reducing gender gaps. This study demonstrates that from many aspects there are fewer gaps and gender inequality in many provinces nevertheless this is totally different regarding occupation.
