Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Political Sciences University of Isfahan

2 PhD student in political science University of Isfahan


According to the logic of 'weak ties' Partnership organized through links with a wider range of people causes of social capital among a group of citizens will increase. So it seems, increasing participation among people, ultimately leading to increased cooperative activities among them. While the impact of social networks on political relations, much attention has been. There is very little empirical research to evaluate the impact of these networks, especially in relation to political behavior. Accordingly, this study seeks to answer this question: “Is there a relationship between social networks and political behavior of the male and female students?” This study is a survey method and the sample size of 375 patients’ male and female university students of Isfahan in 91-92 years. The methods used to test the hypothesis t-test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Dividing social networks both horizontal and vertical dimensions and political behavior the two-level political Behavior excel – affiliate and, excel – Battalion. The results showed that horizontal networks highest impact and sex and the student has had little impact on the political behavior of students.
