Document Type : Practical article


1 Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Law and Social Sciences Faculty, The University of Tabriz

2 MA in Sociology, Law and Social Sciences Faculty, The University of Tabriz


Having the highest mortality rate among mental illness, eating disorders is one of major
concerns of World Health Organization nowadays. So, the study with aiming to specify the
relationship between eating disorders and emotional intelligence being known as a sociopsychological
variable is trying to explain the levels of eating disorders among the female
students. The method of this research was survey and the measurement tools were closed
questioners. The population of the study was all undergraduate female students of Tabriz
University in 92-93 (4514 students) which 367 of them were selected through stratified
random sampling by Cochran formula. The data were analyzed by spss software. The results
show that emotional intelligence and its dimensions have a negative and significant
correlation with eating disorders and its dimensions, somehow; as the self-awareness, selfcontrolling,
social consciousness, social skills and finally emotional intelligence of
respondents increase; correspondingly, eating disorders will decrease and vice versa. Based
on regression analyzes among the studied variables social consciousness variable with Beta= -
1.24 is a significant factor in predicting eating disorders.


Main Subjects