Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Sociology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (

2 PhD Student in Social Change, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


South Pars Assaluyeh region is one of the most heavily trafficked industrial regions in the Mideast. profoundly affecting the lives of local people, specifically women. The important issue that must be taken into consideration is the corporate social responsibility which, due to the presence of large petrochemical complex companies, could have a positive impact on the lives of people, especially women. Social interpretive approach is applied in this research, considering the semantic understanding of local women from corporate social responsibility towards external stakeholders. We used a qualitative methodology and approach of critical ethnography with semi-structured interview technique and observation considering age, occupation, marital status. Also 15 women were selected as native elements for purposive sampling for interviews .The data obtained from the interviews were classified into 4 categories: social pathology, women's empowerment, health and environment, development and social welfare. These categories were analyzed and then theoretical scheme was established. The results showed that the women living near the area have a positive assessment of the flourishing economic condition and the other ongoing circumstances associated with women's empowerment. But the firm performance has been negatively evaluated in terms of corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, women believed that companies must have both a corrective intervention and peer-reviewed programs and the sense of responsibility for the social, cultural and economic consequences of their activities.


Main Subjects

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