Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Yasuj, Iran

2 Lecturer of PNU of Khuzestan Province and Employee of Public Library Foundation of Khuzestan, Iran


Today gender segregation in the workplace is increasingly sensitive. Thus analysis of the reasons behind such phenomenon is of fundamental importance. The aim of this study is to investigate the Occupational Gender Segregation among Ahwaz Public Libraries Foundation employees with emphasis on the role of work values. The method of this research is survey and data were collected by questionnaire in 1393. Population consists of 72 employees of Ahwaz Public Libraries Foundation. This research has been conducted using consensus method. Results showed a significant difference of four dimensions of work values, namely, work/life-balance values, social work values, intrinsic work values and extrinsic work values between men and women. In other words, women have higher work/life-balance values and social work values whereas men have higher intrinsic and extrinsic work values.


Main Subjects

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