Document Type : Practical article


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Humanity, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar

2 MA in Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran


This research aims to analyze the effect of money and its dual function on the continuity of a family. In this regard, mixed method (field research and survey) is designed. The data were collected through semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The findings reveal that based on a traditional role men are bread winners of the family. Women’s ability of making money may bring a new financial challenge for men’s traditional role as breadwinners of family; which can create sort of new marital economic relations in the family. However, when this role is disturbed by women, some serious challenges happen in family’s life. This condition, particularly in the early years of marriage when the wife is young, results in emergence of the idea of separation. However, feminine money creates some experience of co-breadwinning for family which may create a new balance between spouses. As the age of marriage increases, this balance may prevent marital separation. Then, as sort of catalyst, feminine money plays a dual role in separation between spouses.


Main Subjects

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