Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Education, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Education, Islamic Azad University, Ardakan Branch, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers to women's promotion in management position in Iranian educational system based on Interpretative Structural Modeling. The research method in present study is to identify the factors for categorizing based on qualitative approach as a case study. The participants of the study are consisted of faculty members of Iranian Universities and then among them, 13 faculty members were selected as research sample based on purposeful sampling.  To assess the validity of the questionnaire, a content validity criterion was used. The questionnaire was originally reviewed by the experts of the women researches after the final amendments. The data collection tool was a self-interactive questionnaire (ISM) and content validity was confirmed by specialists. The results showed that 10 factors are considered as the factors affecting the barriers to women's promotion in managerial positions in Iranian educational system. Also, factor analysis showed that this model has 8 levels ranged from the deepest and most influential to the most surface. The eighth level of the model was the norms based on religious traditionalism that is as the deepest level of the model. The seventh level of the model is dominance of patriarchal culture and also stereotypical attitude toward women's management. The sixth level of the model is the unwritten gender discrimination. The fifth level is dismissal of women's management by employees, and women's inability to deal violently and not risk-taking. The fourth level of the model is the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem of women. The third level is Job conflict with family duties. The second level is the disapproving women's responsibility for management and finally the first level is lack of suitability in employment.


Main Subjects

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