Document Type : Practical article


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning Payame Noor University

2 Master of Geography and Rural Planning, Payame Noor University


The present paper seeks to identify the obstacles and problems that women's rural entrepreneurs faced in the Oraman region of Sarvaba County. This is considered as one of the important hubs of rural tourism in the country. The aim of the research is to remove the barriers to create an appropriate entrepreneurship environment for rural women to be employed in the field of tourism. Data gathering in the theoretical part was done by using documentary resources and in the practical section with survey method and based on distribution of questionnaire among 97 employed rural women in the tourism sector of the villages of Oraman section and 50 knowledgeable and specialized developers in rural issues who were selected by Snowy bullet method. Data were analyzed by inferential statistics (factor analysis and path analysis). The results have indicated that in total, there are five factors including; weakness in planning, executive performance of public institutions and financial resources constraints, weaknesses in marketing and infrastructure service failures, social and cultural barriers of rural environment, individual weaknesses and educational constraints, and technical and practical barriers as the main obstacles with which rural women entrepreneurs are faced in the rural tourism sector. Among them, the weakness of planning, the executive function of state institutions and financial constraints have the greatest impact on the inclination of employed rural women in the area of tourism to entrepreneurial.


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