Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of, Women's Studies,. Allameh Tabatabai University


The accumulation of multiple responsibilities of jobs and family roles poses conflicts for academic women. In this paper, we intended to answer two important questions about “What is the main features of academic women’s job? What are the most important conflicts experienced by women at work and in the family? To answer these questions has taken advantage of a qualitative approach, in-depth and semi-structured interviews with 26 academic women, and finally a thematic analysis using Max Q.D.A 2018. In this study, many theories like a framework for explaining a favorite job for women and many theories of work-life conflicts have been used to understand the final findings. The findings indicate the extraction of 2 main themes, 6 subthemes, 25 concepts and 282 conceptual codes. In addition, the nature of job as a faculty member brings advantages like: good payment, social presence, but some disadvantages such as the task based, the steady and demanding job which make academic women always worried and stressful, to have time pressure, and to experience torment of mother, forgetfulness of role and so on. In fact, academic women experience conflicts related to their motherhood, the role of spouse, relationships with parents and relatives, and personal priorities.


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