Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic knowledge, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Payame Noor Unvierstiy, Tehran, Iran.


The constitution at the top of the hierarchy of laws has played an influential role in explaining the human rights status of women in any society. the status of women's rights has been one of the concerns of the Republication Islamic of Iran since the adoption of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the very beginning, the role and position of women in advancing the lofty goals of society based on religious values was considered. welfare rights for women are one of the subject discussed during of the constitution of the Islamic Republication of Iran. the main purpose of this study is to investigate the position of women's welfare rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution. In the present article, this research question has been investigated which according to the principles of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, what are the welfare rights of women in terms of the gender justice and the equlity opportunities and what are the priorities of the law for them? The present study aims to examine the issue of demands for welfare rights in the field of social security for women in Iranian society as important human resources in the structure of the current constitution by using an analytical approach and library resources. The present investigate the welfare demands of Iranian women with the process of protective foundations mechanisms in welfare rights and livelihood security for women couldbe help to makepowerful them in the society. Their foundemental needs as right-wing citizens are a issue that is meant to represent the constitution's capabilities and agendas based on ideals and understanding of the responsibility of social protection for women.According to principle of responsibilty based on standards of human rights and compliance with legal obligations, governments cannot be indifferent to women's citizenship rights and livelihood destiny.Women's welfare rights are one of the topics discussed during the adoption of the Iranian constitution after the Islamic Revolution. the Constitution as a connected bed in the welfare rights of women with establishing the gender justice and formating such opportunity that they would be creat role in all region of human rights. Thus,the constitution at the top of the pyramid laws,so weighing the transfer of values and principles of democracy has had an effective role in explaining the human rights status of women in every society.In The results indicte that the four decades of experience of the sovereignty the Islamic Republic of Iran and the achievements of the constitutional system based on national-religious values in the light of the divine caliph's approach to human sovereignty indicate that women in the welfare economy system as citizens in Iranian society have social security in various fields women.


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