Welfare and Planning
Mehrnaz Molavi; Vahid Feizkhah
Justice is an inclusive and universal concept that has consistently been considered as a fundamental element of development. This concept may be interpreted differently from the standpoint of a variety of scientific and research fields. One of the most widely recognized theories regarding the concept ...
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Justice is an inclusive and universal concept that has consistently been considered as a fundamental element of development. This concept may be interpreted differently from the standpoint of a variety of scientific and research fields. One of the most widely recognized theories regarding the concept of justice in urban planning and design is Henri Lefebvre's theory of the right to the city, which is predicated on the concept of justice. On the other hand, a concept called "gender inclusive city" is an approach that has attracted the attention of many urban planning and design researchers in recent years due to the attention given to women's rights in accessing privileges and benefits in cities and the emergence of a phenomenon called the "gendered space." This research endeavors to identify the primary elements of a gender-inclusive city in Rasht by examining the theory of the right to the city and employing the qualitative method of open coding and thematic analysis. In this regard, the current research has identified ten central themes in the coding stage. By categorizing them, it can be concluded that the four main components of establishing a gender-inclusive space in the city of Rasht are security, social and environmental features of the space, and the culture of gender equality.
Political sciences
Golsoumeh Mohammadrzai; Hakem Ghasemi
Multidimensional poverty is one of the reasons rural women resort to informal activism strategies. In conjunction with the circumstances of rural women and the obstacles they face on a daily basis, it motivates them to advocate for political transformation and demand change. The women of Naqdi-ye Olya ...
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Multidimensional poverty is one of the reasons rural women resort to informal activism strategies. In conjunction with the circumstances of rural women and the obstacles they face on a daily basis, it motivates them to advocate for political transformation and demand change. The women of Naqdi-ye Olya village in Meshkinshahr who were protesting opted for an informal approach to resolve their water concerns. This approach was influenced by their daily experiences of water transportation and the inefficiency of rural institutional mechanisms. The objective of this investigation is to study the influence of multidimensional poverty on the informal political activism strategies of rural women, with a particular emphasis on the lived experiences of the women in Naqdi-ye Olya. Institutional ethnography serves as the theoretical framework, emphasizing marginalized communities’ lived experiences. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the interview data. The findings reveal that the protesting women obstructed the road from Ardabil to Meshkinshahr for the inadequacy of rural institutional mechanisms in addressing their water problem. The women’s awareness of their collective action power was raised, and the issue was transformed into a political matter because of the rapid response from officials and the dissemination of their protest video on social media. However, the water issue has persisted due to the transient nature of this informal solution and the incomplete responses from officials.
Women's Studies
Nasibeh Esmaeili; Hajieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad
The division of gender roles within households has been identified as a critical factor influencing fertility decisions and behaviors, as evidenced by the decline in fertility rates below the replacement level. The objective of this paper is to investigate and anticipate the impact of the division ...
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The division of gender roles within households has been identified as a critical factor influencing fertility decisions and behaviors, as evidenced by the decline in fertility rates below the replacement level. The objective of this paper is to investigate and anticipate the impact of the division of gender roles in households on the reproductive behavior of women in Tehran province using agent-based modeling (ABM) tools. Data from the 2017 Iran Fertility Transition Survey (IFTS) has been utilized for this purpose. The simulation results suggest that the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Tehran province will decrease to 1.06 children by 2029, with a projected precipitous decline in fertility rates over the next decade. Furthermore, the AnyLogic software was employed to implement scenarios that examined the consequences of both reducing and increasing men's involvement in domestic work division. According to these simulations, if male participation decreases by 15%, the TFR could fall to 1.03 children. Conversely, if male participation increases by 15%, the TFR could rise to 1.09 children by 2029. Based on these findings, the recommendations section underscores the necessity for family-friendly policies that prioritize cultural and social values that encourage males to participate in household responsibilities. The objective of this method is to mitigate gender inequality and establish an environment that is conducive to the growth of fertility rates.
Pedram Mohammad Hassan; Ali Reza Oryoie
This study investigates the impact of the intersection of gender and ethnicity on income inequality in Iran. We use data from two sources: the National Survey of the Consumption of Cultural Goods (2019) collected by the Research Center for Culture, Art and Communication, and the Household Expenditure ...
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This study investigates the impact of the intersection of gender and ethnicity on income inequality in Iran. We use data from two sources: the National Survey of the Consumption of Cultural Goods (2019) collected by the Research Center for Culture, Art and Communication, and the Household Expenditure and Income Surveys (HEIS) collected by the Statistical Center of Iran between 2016 and 2020. Our findings, based on Ordinary Least Squares and Quantile Regressions, reveal a persistent gender income gap across all income percentiles and ethnicities, with women consistently earning less than men. Furthermore, the interaction term between gender (being female) and ethnicity (being non-Fars) is significant and negative for both low and high-income groups. This suggests that being non-Fars exacerbates the gender income gap for women (non-Fars women face a significantly wider gender income gap when compared to Fars women). Additionally, regardless of ethnicity, the gender income gap is the largest for women in the lowest income percentiles and smallest in the middle percentiles. Our results highlight the importance of considering the concept of Intersectionality when formulating policies. Policies aimed solely at reducing the gender income gap might be ineffective unless they acknowledge the diversity of ethnicities within a society.
Fariba Mesri Eisalo; Naser Seifollahi; Ghasem Zarei
Digital entrepreneurship is acknowledged as a novel concept in the business world, which pertains to utilizing opportunities provided by the internet, mobile technology, and new media. The primary goal of this investigation is to develop a digital entrepreneurship model that is tailored to the needs ...
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Digital entrepreneurship is acknowledged as a novel concept in the business world, which pertains to utilizing opportunities provided by the internet, mobile technology, and new media. The primary goal of this investigation is to develop a digital entrepreneurship model that is tailored to the needs of women who operate home-based businesses. This research is applied in terms of purpose, qualitative in methodology, and employs the grounded theory approach of Strauss and Corbin. It is exploratory in nature. The statistical population of the research includes university professors and entrepreneurs who have established home-based businesses through social media and digital platforms and have over 5 years of work experience. In this study, purposive sampling and snowball sampling procedures were implemented. In-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 individuals until theoretical saturation was attained. This was the data collection tool. Maxqda software was employed to analyze the interview transcripts, utilizing coding techniques and both manifest and latent content analysis. This process ultimately resulted in the presentation of a paradigmatic model.The findings indicate that entrepreneurial empowerment, technology, and individual factors serve as causal conditions, while opportunities, infrastructure, individual knowledge, and content serve as contextual factors. Internal factors and effective communication function as intervening conditions for digital entrepreneurship in home-based businesses. Proposed strategies include the potential of online advertising, specialized leadership and management, digital laws and regulations, and digital marketing strategies. The implementation of these strategies leads to the establishment of transnational networks, the creation of job value for women, and improved economic performance.
Reza Azamzadeh ,; Soheila Alirezanejad
The purpose of this research is to know and understand the experience of female heads of the household from the role of breadwinner and how to implement it as the head of the household. In this study, to achieve the goals of the research, the foundational data theory was used, and data collection was ...
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The purpose of this research is to know and understand the experience of female heads of the household from the role of breadwinner and how to implement it as the head of the household. In this study, to achieve the goals of the research, the foundational data theory was used, and data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with 33 female heads of households in Behshahr city. Open coding led to the emergence of four main categories:1-household headship; 2- The poverty of female guardians; 3- Loneliness of women in managing the household; 4- Making money and earning bread. After accepting the role of guardian and breadwinner, these women perform their economic activities in two ways:1-economic activities from inside the home; 2- Economic activities outside the home. They are placed in two paradigm models:1-self as an agent of change, 2-self as needing support. In the first paradigm, women's understanding of femininity is the ability to change in life and succeed in goals. However, women in the second paradigm do not have the necessary self-confidence to be independent in life, and their understanding of femininity prevents them from trying to change their lives without the support of others. The findings show that in how women play the role of head of the household; Family, social, cultural factors, gender, and the support of government institutions are influential; But the core category shows the importance of women's understanding of their femininity, so government interventions and support should be done according to this feature.
Mohammad hossein Ghorbani; Abdulazim Jokar; Hamid Reza Safari
The purpose of this research was to develop a model for the development of a sport enterprise that would be beneficial to women in the Tehran province. The Grounded Theory (GT) method was employed to conduct this qualitative study. The research population consisted of all elites and specialists in the ...
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The purpose of this research was to develop a model for the development of a sport enterprise that would be beneficial to women in the Tehran province. The Grounded Theory (GT) method was employed to conduct this qualitative study. The research population consisted of all elites and specialists in the field of employment, entrepreneurship and sports businesses, among whom 18 individuals were selected using theoretical and snowball sampling methods. Semi-structured interviews were implemented as part of the data capture tool until theoretical saturation was achieved. In the final model of the research, which was formed based on coding and data analysis, the causal factors (need for self-actualization, clear vision, development of women’s productivity, income generation, appropriateness of sports businesses and achieving standards) shows the need to pay attention to the central phenomenon (self-employment and improvement of the business environment and strategies of self-employment and improvement of the business environment policy and planning, entrepreneurship education, legal support, encouragement of entrepreneurship, promotion of entrepreneurship and development of entrepreneurship ecosystem) in terms of intervening factors (legal-lawful obstacles, inappropriate business, insufficient financial support, insufficient support for entrepreneurship) and existing contexts (cultural limitations, social limitations, individual limitations, insufficient sports participation, talented manpower and capital advantage), which it will lead to consequences (development inevitably, economic development, women’s sports participation, improvement of women’s sports performance and women’s health). The findings of this study can serve as a model for the implementation of measures and programs to advance the careers of women in sports by policymakers, planners, experts, and sports managers.
Women's Studies
Marzieh Shakeri HosseinAbad; Zahra Nasrollahi
Suicide is a public health concern. The family and society are impacted by the consequences of suicide, despite the fact that it is committed by an individual. Therefore, considering the importance of this phenomenon, researchers have endeavored to investigate factors affecting suicide from various the ...
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Suicide is a public health concern. The family and society are impacted by the consequences of suicide, despite the fact that it is committed by an individual. Therefore, considering the importance of this phenomenon, researchers have endeavored to investigate factors affecting suicide from various the economic and social aspects. While previous research has investigated the impact of a variety of variables on suicide, researchers in Iran have neglected to consider the effect of women’s relative position in various fields with the interpretation of gender equality. According to the available literature, this phenomenon can affect suicide. Consequently, the objective of the present study was to examine the factors that contribute to suicide, with an emphasis on the women’s position compared to men in the education and labor market sectors from 2016 to 2022. In the provinces, the results of this research indicate that the ratio of women to men students has a positive and significant impact on suicide. However, the ratio of women’s economic participation to men due to factors such as increased access to resources for the family and reduced financial stress has a negative and significant impact on suicide. The findings indicate the importance of policymakers’ attention to women’s position in various fields, including education and the labor market.
Hossein Daneshmehr; Ameer Khodakaram alzandi; Kurda Ahmad mahmood
The current research is based on the narrative of female activists regarding the role and status of women in the transformation of the social structure of the Kurdistan region. The function and position of women in the Kurdistan Region's structural changes have been elucidated through the application ...
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The current research is based on the narrative of female activists regarding the role and status of women in the transformation of the social structure of the Kurdistan region. The function and position of women in the Kurdistan Region's structural changes have been elucidated through the application of Sharabi and socialist feminist theories. Narrative analysis is implemented in this investigation, which adheres to the qualitative methodology. To achieve this objective, the semi-structured interview strategy and targeted and homogeneous sampling were implemented to interview eighteen individuals who are involved in the associations. The data were interpreted and analyzed in the form of 12 primary themes and 6 secondary themes. The results showed that the social structure underwent alteration subsequent to the establishment of the Kurdistan Region in 1991 AD, which consequently altered the role and status of women accordingly. From that time until now, political parties have influenced the demands and associations of women, and they have examined women’s issues within the context of party goals. Nevertheless, women have been able to secure their position within this structure by actively participating and occupying managerial and political positions. The influence of education, media, and associations has been significant. Women's associations, as one of the most significant structural changers and active women themselves as agents of change, have passed equitable laws, eradicated old social and cultural patterns, and raised awareness, support, and representation of women's problems and challenges.
Islamic Sociology
Mohammad Javad Najafi; Yahya Bouzarinejad
The Prophet of Islam elevated the status of women during his governance. Although, with his passing and the rise of the three caliphs, this status declined and deviated from the prophetic path. With the beginning of Imam Ali’s ruling, the situation of women transformed, and they were granted an ...
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The Prophet of Islam elevated the status of women during his governance. Although, with his passing and the rise of the three caliphs, this status declined and deviated from the prophetic path. With the beginning of Imam Ali’s ruling, the situation of women transformed, and they were granted an active role in society. From the outset, Imam Ali sought to revive women’s true status by reforming past innovations. Women welcomed the policies of the Alawi government and supported his efforts, although in some cases, certain women’s actions inflicted serious harm on the state. This study, using library sources and a descriptive-analytical method, aims to investigate the interaction between women and the Alawi government from a historical and political point of view, addressing the question: How did governance and women interact during the caliphate of Imam Ali? The findings revealed that from the beginning of Imam Ali’s rule, women played an influential role in crises, particularly in the imposed wars. The Alawi government supported women and was committed to justice for them, just as it was for men. The Caliph was as accessible to women as he was to men, and they regarded him and the Alawi government as a safe refuge for restoring and enhancing their status. This supportive and dignifying approach fostered positive interaction between women and the Alawi government.