نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی، دانشگاه الزهرا(س)، تهران، ایران ساختمان خوارزمی- طبقه 3 - دانشکده الهیات



کار زن در خانه از نظرفقه اسلامی، تکلیف نیست بلکه فضیلتی است که اگر به صورت رایگان در اختیار خانواده قرار دهد مأجور خواهد بود و اگر بخواهد در قبال آن دستمزدی دریافت کند شارع برای او حق مطالبه قرار داده است؛ ولی در فرهنگ عرفی حق زنان نادیده گرفته شده و در برخی موارد مطالبه آن قبیح دانسته می‌شود؛ لذا پژوهش حاضر با هدف تبیین اثر و ارتباط سیاست‌گذاری در راستای اجرای حکم اخذ اجرت المثل خانه‌داری زن با توسعه استحکام خانواده و رفع مشکلات عدم استقلال مالی و پوچ انگاری فعالیت‌های زنان خانه‌دار اجرا شده است. تحقیق از نوع توصیفی و روش آن مطالعه اسنادی است و به این نتیجه رسیده که عدم ارزش‌گذاری و دستمزد برای خانه‌داری زن در عرف موجب بروز مشکلات عمده‌ای همچون احساس پوچی، افسردگی و خستگی و تمایل به فعالیت های اقتصادی خارج از محیط خانه و پیامدهای آن همچون کاهش میزان فرزندآوری می شود، در حالی که با اجرای کامل و مدبرانه سیاستی که قانونگذار اسلام از قرار دادن حق مطالبه اجرت المثل پیش گرفته است، از مشکلات عدم استقلال مالی زن در خانواده و پوچ انگاری فعالیت‌های زنان خانه‌دار پیشگیری و از این رهگذر استقلال و امنیت مالی برای زنان تامین می گردد و تمرکز زنان بر خانواده و تربیت فرزند را بیشتر خواهد کرد؛ لذا ضروری است بر اساس الگوی توسعه‌ای خانواده محور و افزایش جمعیت، ساز و کار مناسب و بسترسازی فرهنگی جهت اجرای کامل حکم اجرت المثل در نظر گرفته شده و بر اساس آن قانون گذاری شود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Consequences of women's wages for domestic work and its role in family consolidation policy-making and population growth

نویسنده [English]

  • Zahra Sadat Mirhashemi

, Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

چکیده [English]


The family is the most sacred institution in terms of the holy law, whose members are under the umbrella of mental and physical security, and the woman is considered the most important member of this institution. In the culture and customs of many societies, women spend all or a large part of their time and energy on doing household chores and managing and raising children.

Carrying out such activities based on Sharia and law is not part of their duties and assignments, but normally, no salary is set for it. Therefore, there is no direct financial benefit for them from this way, for this reason, in many cases, due to this lack of financial independence and the lack of earning economic income independently, women are in need to meet their smallest financial needs outside the scope of alimony, and in many cases In these cases, no answer is given, or if they do, they face threats from the couple.

On the other hand, based on the economic thinking that governs today's world society that values people based on earning more, in the discussed issue, housewives do not have income despite doing household activities, and in some cases even with neglect and lack of income. Appreciation of other family members and society is faced, which causes lack of self-confidence and lack of value and induces the absurdity of activities. This is reflected in some field research. While in our jurisprudence and law, the right to demand wages is considered for doing the work that a woman does at home, so that if this ruling is implemented, the financial independence of the wife will be realized. But unfortunately, in the traditional culture, the demand for wages is not only not implemented, but its demand is not considered acceptable.

According to Islamic jurisprudence, a woman's work at home is not a duty, but rather a virtue that if she provides to the family for free, it will be rewarded, and if she wants to receive a wage for it, the law has given her the right to demand; But in traditional culture, women's rights are ignored, and in some cases, demanding it is considered ugly; Therefore, the current research has been carried out with the aim of explaining the effect and relationship of policy making in order to implement the decree of receiving the wages of female housewives with the development of family strength and solving the problems of lack of financial independence and the absurdity of the activities of housewives.

With regard to the ruling of the holy Shariah regarding the possibility of demanding exemplary wages, the question arises as to the role of politics in supporting the full implementation of Sharia rulings, especially the issue of exemplary wages, in solving the problems caused by the absurdity of activities and the relative lack of financial independence of housewives and solving What are the consequences? In order to answer the question, it is necessary and necessary to first examine the position of policy making in support of the Shari'a ruling of paying the ideal wage in solving the problems of the absurdity of the activities of housewives and solving the problem of women's lack of financial independence and its consequences.

Research method

In this research, by using the method of describing and analyzing and collecting materials in a library form, the relationship between the ruling on demand for exemplary wages and the philosophy and policy of Islamic jurisprudence in the implementation of the ruling on exemplary wages in preventing and solving the problems presented is examined and the necessary suggestions are made in order to achieve It will be designed as desired.

Research findings

In Islamic texts, the activity of housekeeping is valuable, and according to Islamic jurisprudence, a woman's work at home is not a woman's duty, but rather a virtue that if she wants to provide for her husband and children for free, it will be rewarded by God, and if she wants, like other economic activities in If he receives a salary in return, the Shariah has given him the right to claim under the name of salary for the days of marriage.

Among the women's financial rights in Islam, the implementation of the ruling on women's domestic work provides financial independence for women.

In spite of the importance of housekeeping in Islam, unfortunately, housekeeping activities are considered worthless in the traditional culture and despite the right to demand wages from the Sharia, demanding it is considered ugly and indecent.

Carrying out housework without pay by housewives has caused problems such as feelings of insignificance and emptiness and fatigue and desire to engage in economic activities outside the home environment and mistrust of their work in the society, and as a result, their mental and physical health is at risk. falls down. Therefore, according to research reports, the rate of depression in housewives is higher than that of working women.


If housekeeping is valued as it is valued in Islam, the major mental and physical problems of women in housekeeping will be solved.

It seems that the philosophy of the ruling on demanding the ideal wage in the Shariah is in accordance with the needs of women and is a reason to prevent the problems of housewives, in addition to this, relative financial independence has been achieved for women and as a result, they feel empty financially and psychologically. and with material and spiritual support from the wife and the government, they act more effectively in the direction of strengthening the family foundation.

Housewives turn to economic activities and employment outside the home to fill the gaps caused by the lack of importance and material and spiritual value to housework, which will reduce the fertility rate. While with the full implementation of the policy that the legislator of Islam (Sharia) has taken to include the right to claim the ideal wage, the problems of women's lack of financial independence in the family and the absurdity of the activities of housewives are prevented, and through this way, independence and security Finances will be provided for women and it will increase women's focus on family and raising children.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • ideal wage
  • housekeeping
  • financial independence
  • demographic policies
  • family consolidation